
Twisted Steel Movie + An Interview with the Director!

January 14, 2010

Well, We’re getting closer to wrapping this project up!

I have been blessed with some of the best crew members and most talented actor available in this area.  I’m in the middle of a dream come true.  But I guess that’s not exactly how it seems, cuz I suffer from Lucid Dreams – and conversely,  my perception of reality may be a bit different than others.

Everything that could go right, has – and everything that could go wrong, has fallen from the sky- plummeting to the earth at thousands of miles per hour. Burning through the atmosphere until it explodes against the hard earth…

But it’s going really well! All we have left is a few clusters of scenes – the elusive buggers that have made it this far without being filmed yet. It makes me wonder – If I had lots of money, would it be this hard? Is it only this difficult because I don’t have a budget?

I guess so. We’ll see next time, because this one is going to be so freakin awesome that the whole game is going to change.

Check out the Details!  Thanks Everyone!!!

In my struggles to figure it all out, I’ve come across a few resources to help me make it. In example – The 10 Commandments of Independent Film Makers – It’s alot like The 4 Agreements… but there isn’t one thing in there about being a lying, stealing weasel…. interesting enough, I guess you don’t have to be a jerkimo to make it in the industry. Who’d have thunk it?

The Entertainment Industry is full of shysters, weasels and ulterior motives.   Whether in the professional or amatuer levels of the game, there are varying degrees of the types.  I’d like to think it’s worse in the amateur, or semi-professional states – due to the lack of money involved and the unwanton habits of those that feel they are entitled to success and fame from a long and hard-lived life of working in obscurity.  For no money.  They deserve it.

But, I know now that it only changes as you progress through the ranks.  The lies get bigger, the ramifications of your actions begin to delegate and dictate your next moves.  It’s pretty exciting.  Since, i guess, everyone will try to take it from you anyway – You might as well just accept it.

Move on, move forward and never take it seriously, personally or with anything more than a grain of salt.
Just a spoon-full of sugar makes the medicine go down!

more coming soon!

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